Online Classes in Chhattisgarh
As per Chhattisgarh Board Of Secondary Education The exemplary program was launched by the Chhattisgarh Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel on April 7 to provide non-stop education amid battling the COVID-19 crisis too. With the schools being shut down for more than 8 months, amid the nation-wide Covid-19 crisis, Chhattisgarh’s innovative academic program “Padhai Tuhar Duar” is receiving appreciation from all across the country for successfully conducting 39.57 lakh online classes. The educational web portal was started in the early stage of lockdown itself, to continue hassle-free and non-stop schooling among children of the state. Online classes are being initiated by the medium of Information technology in areas of the state with stable internet infrastructure, whereas offline classes are being conducted in the remote and forested areas of the state, which lack internet connectivity. Even the NITI aayog has appreciated the efforts of the state for continuing education via both the mediums...